About Us


“We the Daughters of Divine Love, an international congregation of women religious, impelled by the gospel of Christ and the spirit of our founder are called to a courageous loving response to Divine Love incarnate, in contemplation, harmonious community living and apostolic action made visible in selfless liberating service to the entire creation.


We, the Daughters of Divine Love, are called to embody God’s love and manifest it to humanity and the rest of creation.

The mission or distinguishing mark of the Congregation is “generous loving response to Divine Love Incarnate”-God’s call to love Him and our fellow brothers and sisters. The motto of the Daughters of Divine Love Congregation is Caritas Christi Urget Nos (The Love of Christ Urge us on)

In England His Grace Archbishop Michael Bowen invited the DDL Congregation in 1987 to join and augment the religious presence in the  Arch Dioceses of Southwark. The first group of sisters arrived in Southwark in 1987 on studies.

Later in 1989 the Daughters of Divine Love were officially invited by Arch Bishop Bowen (Catholic Diocese of Southwark).

We work in 6 different dioceses in the United Kingdom, 5 in England and 1 in Wales. Altogether, we have 16 communities in these 6 dioceses. Following our Founders vision, we continue to touch lives wherever we serve. In England our apostolate includes parish work, hospital apostolate, school apostolate, office apostolate and others. We are also a member of Conference of Religious England and Wales
The Regional House and the Administrative office of the Daughters of Divine Love in England is in North London, 82/84 Sylvan Avenue Wood Green London N22 5HY. Tel: 0208 888 1898 and the Development project office is 70 Kempshott Road Streatham Common London SW16 5LH. Tel: 0203  561 5317

In everything that we do, the love of Christ impels us to respond to the cry of the poor and the vulnerable with concrete actions.